Friday, March 9, 2012

Artistic Influence Alex Pardee

Alex Pardee is one artist that influences me a lot. His artwork is so different and so awe inspiring. From just looking at some of his work, you wonder what goes through his mind as he creates his work.

Day #5 Nyctophobia

The second most common is a fear of the dark. It plagues thousands to this day, even though many know there is nothing to fear when the lights go out.

Day #4 Aerophobia

Aerophobia is one of the most common fears in the world. They could be any amount of reasons why someone would be afraid of flying. It plagues much of the world to this day.

Day #3 Letting Fear Control You

Never should our fears control our choices in life. But, many people let their fears over take them. They give into the fears they've had all their life.

Day #2 Childhood Fears

Most fears start at childhood because our lack of knowledge of the world that surrounds us.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day #1 Fear, Overcoming

Our fears influence everything we do. Overcoming them seems easy at first but sometimes its the hardest thing you will have to do in your life.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Big Idea: Fear

Fear is our own worst enemy. It keeps us from taking leaps into new ideas, and prevents us from trying new things. Fear is ingrained into our brains from a young age from the things we watch on tv, the things we're taught by our parents, and our own experiences. We usually have no choice of what we fear, but we have the choice to overcome our fears.  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

This inspires me like few things in the world do. This is an image of a wall Candy Chung and others made into a chalkboard on the side of an abandon house in New Orleans. This inspires me for the fact that people would take a complete leap of fate and write down the one thing that they want to accomplish before they die. Nothing could possibly be more important and held deerly then something like that. This picture makes me want to live every day like its my last, and achieve everything I've drempt of doing. With this image i feel the need to achieve my dreams of going faster then 200 mph, to skydive, to spend an entire day making every one I come into contact smile, and many more I could never fit onto this page.